1. To avoid muscle and calf strains, do a warm up and stretch your leg and arms muscles. 
  2. Start with short running intervals. Build up your stamina by walking for 1 minute and running for 1 minute and build 15 minutes cardio exercise in this way.
  3. Don’t start out too fast, Maintain an easy/steady pace. Listening to some easy paced music can help build your rhythm!
  4. Your body will need time to recover. Run or run/walk 2-3 times in the first few weeks. Walk for the remainder of the week. 
  5. Where possible, run on different surfaces. Alternate between footpath, grass, beach, gravel surface. This will provide some interest as well as an extra challenge.
  6. Don’t panic if you get a ‘stitch’ or other aches and pains. This is a completely normal reaction from your body particularly if you haven’t been running in a while! If out running, slow down to a walk if you have to, breathe calmly in a relaxed way and only resume your run when the pain has subsided. 
  7. Take care of your body. Running is a full body workout. Adding in some Strength training will lead to a better running performance.
  8. After your run, streeeetttttcccchhhh and cool down.
  9. Lastly and most importantly, enjoy yourself and congratulate yourself for getting back out running. 

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